Oklahoma City Trip Photos


Pops Restaurant on Route 66 in Oklahoma

Image Aug 3rd,  2008 - We are heading back to Dallas from Oklahoma City and since we were a little free this morning, we decided to go see this store called Pops which was on the historic Route 66 in Oklahoma. We drove north-east to the city and found this nice little store there. Since it was Sunday morning, there was already a crowd early in the morning. A few people had come there for breakfast and the rest were there for .....you guessed it SODA-POP. This store is full of various kinds of sodas.   I am not sure how many flavors they had but the entire store was lined up with various soda bottles of different colors, red, blue, purple, oranage, yellow.....It was really nice. Outside the store there is a big soda bottle and it lights up in the night and probably looks very nice.  

We bought a few souveniers, filled up some gas (its cheaper here compared to home) and we headed back home. 

Click the read more button to see the photos. 

Trip to Oklahoma City

Image Aug 2nd,  2008 - Its been a long time since we left Dallas on a trip and my parents decided to go and visit Oklahoma City which is about 3 hours away from Dallas. We started off early and headed north to Oklahoma  City. It was a nice long drive and we listened to my favorite songs from Jab We Met, Om Shanti Om, Welcome and Taare Zameen Par. I think my parents must have got bored but I can listen to those songs over and over again. On the way, we stopped at a town called Norman and had some lunch there at a Greek Cafe.

We reached the hotel at around 2 in the afternoon. My father had booked us at the Skirvin Hilton which was a historic hotel in the downtown area. The hotel was very nice and we got a room on the 5th floor. It had a lot of things and my parents had to move every thing to higher levels. I spent a lot of time with the phones, paper, magazines and the television. Soon we will go to the Bricktown area.

Read more: Trip to Oklahoma City

Fun in Bricktown Oklahoma City

Image Aug 2nd,  2008 - After we reached Oklahoma City and rested at the hotel we decided to go to the nearby Bricktown area. The Bricktown area in a reconstructed part of downtown Oklahoma City where they converted the old downtown into a place where they could attract tourists and locals to come and have some fun. We walked a couple of blocks to the Bricktown area and it was terribly hot (over 100 degrees)

The Bricktown area has a water canal and we decided to take a ride on the water taxi. The taxi was full of people from other parts of the country like California, Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma. There was a nice lady sitting next to me and I probably bored her with my jibber-jabber but she did not seem to mind. On the water taxi ride, we saw some nice restaurants, paintings, waterfalls, sculptures etc. The ride must have been about 30 minutes. We got off the taxi and took a walk around Bricktown before heading back to the hotel. It was just too hot to do anything. 

By the end of the walk, I was red like a tomato.

Read more: Fun in Bricktown Oklahoma City

Love that iPhone


Sep 24th,  2008 - Both my parents have an iPhone and they keep downloading new games and they have downloaded some games for me. The iPhone is really simple and even a child can use it. Look at me, I just two years old and I am able to figure out how to go across screens, browse photos and play games too. My parents do put the phone in Airplane mode, turn off the wireless and sit next to me as a precaution. We don't want the cops to show for a 911 call.

So far, I like the Bowling game, browsing pictures, the Audi game, Jirbo match.


Read more: Love that iPhone

Family Night at Go Bonkers


Sep 16th,  2008 - Today was Family Night for our school and it was at Go Bonkers in Lewisville. Part of the money that was raised will go to our school so it was for a good cause. We reached Go Bonkers at around 5:45 PM and there were many of my classmates there. My good friend Ria was there and we had a great time climbing and sliding down. We played for about an hour and then we went up and played basketball.  When it was finally time to go home, I literally had to be dragged out kicking and screaming. I DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE.

What a great fun night!!



Another year comes to an end and its Christmas and New Year time with lots of fun activities. I am looking forward to the end of the year when Sachin Bappa will be visiting and Daddy will be takiing some time off from work. I wish everyone has a very good holiday season.

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