Visit to The Picture People at the Fox Hills Mall

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June 23rd, 2006 - My parents wanted to take some passport pictures  so that they can get my passport done. We went to the "Picture People" store in the mall. They specialize in taking portraits, special pictures etc. Since I still cannot sit upright, they had to place me on a bean bag.  The lady at the store made it really nice and comfortable for me. I was very co-operative during the photo-shoot (since this is Hollywood, lets call it a photo-shoot). The nice lady took about 7-8 pictures and gave us copies of the best picture. I liked the store and will be back soon for a real picture. We spent the rest of the evening in the mall before heading home. My parents had dinner from CPK.  Smelled nice, but I am not allowed to try all that stuff.

Next week, we will apply for my passport. That will be another fun trip.

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