Pops Restaurant on Route 66 in Oklahoma

Image Aug 3rd,  2008 - We are heading back to Dallas from Oklahoma City and since we were a little free this morning, we decided to go see this store called Pops which was on the historic Route 66 in Oklahoma. We drove north-east to the city and found this nice little store there. Since it was Sunday morning, there was already a crowd early in the morning. A few people had come there for breakfast and the rest were there for .....you guessed it SODA-POP. This store is full of various kinds of sodas.   I am not sure how many flavors they had but the entire store was lined up with various soda bottles of different colors, red, blue, purple, oranage, yellow.....It was really nice. Outside the store there is a big soda bottle and it lights up in the night and probably looks very nice.  

We bought a few souveniers, filled up some gas (its cheaper here compared to home) and we headed back home. 

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