Google vs Microsoft

July 10th, 2007 - People are talking about which company is better Google or Microsoft. I have a different question for you. Do you think I look better with my Google clothes or my Microsoft outfit. Please leave your comments.



Learning to Climb Things

 ImageJuly 7th, 2007 - Its 07-07-07, guess its an auspicious day. Lots of people are probably getting married today, Eva Longhoria and  Tony Parker for one. I don't care, I am more interested in my masti. As I have become older, I am more mobile and now I have learnt to climb onto this and climb off things with great speed (getting down part came first). I setup myself in reverse gear and quickly climb down things like the bed, couch, futon, chairs and even the stairs.

Lately, I have become agile and learnt to climb up onto the bed and futon as well and now I am demonstrating new skills to climb onto boxes. Oh my poor parents. They have to keep a closer eye one me now.


Independence Day 2007

 ImageJuly 4th, 2007 -  Today is 4th of July, the Independance Day in America. Normally its a long weekend when the 4th of July comes around but this year since it was a Wednesday, my dad got only 1 day off. Ayush anna and his family will be around so it will be fun. Most people have a barbeque on the 4th of July and my father bought a grill too but we were unable to set it up. My mother dressed me up ain Red White and Blue colored clothing to commemorate the day.

In the evening, we went out to the front of the house and played on the lawn. It was fun. Once the sun set, we went to the rooftop to watch the firecrackers. At first I was a little scared, but then I got comfortable and enjoyed the fireworks. Once in a while a blast here or there would me jump. Too bad Ayush Anna is leaving tomorrow. I said good-night and good-bye at the same time.


Fun in the Cupboard

 Image 25th Jul, 2007 - We have a small cupboard  in the living room that lies beneath the staircase. My father uses it to store some boxes and I love going in there any having fun. I go there and throw out all the things from that box. Usually my father places my toy box in front of it and I forget about it, but once I am in there, its hours of fun. Iam not even afraid of being in the dark. Lets see how long that lasts.

Read more: Fun in the Cupboard

Shred 2


Aug 31st, 2007 -  You have all heard of Shrek, the lovable ogre. Well my father calls me Shred, a lovable baby that loves to shred any piece of paper that comes my way. There are no magazines or any paper products in the living room where I play. In my latest return to shredding I maanged to get a hold of all the junk mail and shred it to pieces as you all can see. Thank god it was junk mail.

Its also a long weekend and we are going to San Diego.....

Read more: Shred 2

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